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On July 4, 2023, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) is airing the docu-drama „Kennedy’s Love for Europe“, offering the audience an exclusive infotainment service in cooperation with jay.

On Tuesday evening at prime time, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg will broadcast the docu-drama „Kennedy’s Love for Europa“ with its new infotainment service „Xplore“. Via HbbTV, viewers will have the chance to view additional information about John F. Kennedy’s travels in pre- and post-war Europe, receive background information on the historical context and find out more about the cast and interview partners.
The Xplore function is available on all HbbTV devices. As with all HbbTV applications, the prerequisite for use is that the receiver is connected to the Internet. Xplore can be accessed via the red button on the remote control. As soon as the film is paused, pictures and names of the protagonists, interview partners, historical events and locations appear. Viewers can then use their remote control to call up more detailed information.
All information displayed is timecode-accurate and based on data from the film production of „Kennedy’s Love for Europe“. The TV production was the first joint pilot project by jay and rbb to test how metadata from pre-production can be made available to distribution in an automated way.

Comprehensive audience survey

In the run-up to the broadcast, the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf conducted a comprehensive audience survey with 1,020 viewers. The new infotainment service generated a positive response: after testing the application, more than two thirds of the respondents rated the offer of additional information as very good and almost 80 percent considered it easy to use. Half of the participants would like to use the service in the future and would recommend it to others.

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