With the new HbbTV application „Xplore“, viewers can access additional information on a film’s cast and locations for the very first time. „Xplore“ celebrated its premiere during the streaming of the crime drama Polizeiruf 110 „Fremde im Spiegel“ on Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb).
On October 27, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) presented the new HbbTV application „Xplore“. While streaming the crime drama „Polizeiruf 110: Fremde im Spiegel“, viewers could use „Xplore“ to access additional information on the film’s cast and locations. This was a first in German television – and made possible by our service #jay.
„For viewers, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg offers completely new possibilities for additional information integrated directly on screen,“ says Dirk Lüdemann, Head of HA Distribution within the Production and Operations Directorate of rbb. „It is also conceivable that this service could be used to link to other content and programmes – this has a lot of potential.“
The Xplore function should function on all HbbTV devices and there are no special requirements for its use. Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) is bringing this ARD innovation to screens across Germany for the first time.